Wednesday, May 15, 2019


And the darkness crept
and my soul for you wept

Waiting and waiting. it kept
waiting for.....
All the promises
that no one kept.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

I know your Scars

I know your SCARS
SCARS, you do not show
It's all right to show
at-least someone though...

Some things come
some go with time,
Tho my Love for you
was not "just" mine

It was you as
Beautiful as you could be,

A person that showed light,
even when burning brightly.

My only mistake,
If I could ever retake,
Was to trust you so blindly,

That I could not
See your scars...

Now you've left,
And your Scars are Mine

Without your lips,
Nothing's ever gonna be fine,

And here I am,
I'd forever wish
That you come back

and let us shine
so the world can see

What beautiful being
My earth...

our young one could be 🌴
our young one could be 🌴

Monday, February 18, 2019

I am Eternal

I was created
Or I came into being?

By Something or Someone
Or some happening?

But I am here now
And I feel like
I was not awakened
In this world
I preceive
That I was awakened
Longe ago
In a place I forgot
Of which I have
Just a mere thought

And I feel like
even when I die
my body inanimate
I'll still be here

In some form
Some place warm?
My concious would be
With whome it should be.

Because I got
The gift of Life
From a being
That's always by my side.
No matter what...

Thursday, January 3, 2019


Shining brightly like your hopes
Tied yet,
Still to ropes

Wishes, dreams and some prayers
Died yet,
Lived life of theirs?